Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Dear reader, today’s article is about one of the brightest, most cheerful and “yummiest” holidays ever, and about the food that we enjoy, gathering with family members and friends, especially on this day. 
Today is Easter. There can be no doubt that Easter is the most popular Christian holiday, that brings together the whole Christian society, particularly in Armenia, which is the first state to adopt Christianity as state religion. So let’s find out what the world’s oldest Christian nation puts on table on Easter day.
                Armenians are definitely foodie, they love to cook, they love to eat, therefore the Easter is  ‘richer” in delicious meals, sweets, cakes, cupcakes, candies and other yummy goods particularly in Armenia. Traditional Armenian Easter table is comprised of fish, usually it is a fresh trout taken out of Lake Sevan, colorful eggs and tarragon, Armenian bread-lavash, plov made with rice, raisins and dried fruits and a bottle of pomegranate or grape wine. All these food is so healthy and delicious that after having them, you definitely will have butterflies in your stomach. But there is one thing that is the bread and butter of Armenian Easter table,the Easter round cake. Trust me, it is worth all the effort you put in it, because what you will get after, will satisfy even the hungriest person. It is as sweet as honey, however, you do not need much to make this unbelievable cake, just because it is very simple. Here is the receipt.
·         5 eggs
·         200 grams butter
·         1.5 tea cup of sugar
·         0.5 liter milk
·         Half cup of water
·         30 grams yeast
·         Flour
·         Raisins( or other dried fruits, depends on personal liking)

First you will need to mix eggs with sugar, then you melt the butter and add into the mass you have with sugar and eggs. After properly mixing these 3 ingredients, you add already boiled milk mixed with water, put the raisins into the mass, add flour, so as the dough will be hard and solid, and last, you add the yeast. After that you have to wait for 2 hours so that the dough will go upper and upper, by giving a nice texture to cake. After the height is good, you put the dough into the oven. The temperature must be medium, and it takes about 40 minutes to have it baked perfectly. Once you take it out of over, you can immediately start decorating. Colorful chocolates, coconut or different creams can be used in order to make your cake look even more appetizing and delicious. I would advise using dark chocolate glaze. It adds some nice bitter flavor to the cake, and when the sweet is combined with nice bitterness it gives to the cake an unbelievable taste.
 When finally all the baking and decorating process is done, do not forget the true meaning of Easter and thank God for one more amazing cake you had the chance to bake.   

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