Sunday, June 12, 2016


Greek salad is one of the classic dishes which is easy to prepare and extremely beneficial for health. This Greek cuisine has low fat constituents and can be served as quick lunch or dinner. This dish goes well specially during summer. Unlike other salads the cheese content will ensure that you have a fulfilling feeling. It can be made at home as well as readily available in any good restaurant.

History of Greek Salad
As the name sounds, this salad first became popular in Greece. While the Greeks do not add lettuce to it, by and large the preparation remains the same. It was only in 1925 an Australian Newspaper described this salad as boiled squash along with milk. Post the Second World War, the Greek salad started becoming popular owing to its simple preparation and large health benefits.

Level of cooking: Easy
Greek salad is one of the easiest dishes to prepare. It can be prepared by beginners so to speak. The only thing that needs to be kept in mind is the portion size and the exact ingredients that need to be mixed in the salad. One can definitely give it a try at home. The preparation time for this salad is only fifteen minutes.

            1 tomato of medium size
2.       200 gram cherry tomatoes
3.       1 Beef tomato
4.       1 red onion of medium size
5.       1 cucumber
6.       Green pepper
7.       Fresh mint leaves
8.       Black olives
9.       Fresh dill
10.   1 teaspoon oregano
11.   1 teaspoon red vinegar
12.   3 table spoon olive oil
13.   200 gram feta cheese
14.   1 tablespoon salt
15.   1 tablespoon sugar
16.   2 ice cubes
17.   Few Lettuce leaves

Nutritional Information
Greek salad is one of the lightest salads in its category. 1 cup of Greek salad contains 106 calories. This salad contains 61 percent fat, 26 percent protein and 13 percent carbs. It comprise of vitamin A- 23 percent, Iron- 6 percent, Vitamin C-8 percent and Calcium- 12 percent. The cholesterol content of this salad is 40 percent and sodium 17 percent. It is therefore advised that patients suffering from high cholesterol refrain from this dish.

How to prepare?
1.       Cut the medium tomato into wedge shape, cherry tomato into halve and beef tomato into rounds
2.       The onion should be thinly sliced in a manner that it easily mixes with the tomatoes
3.       Make thick slices of the cucumber
4.       Deseed the pepper and slice into rings. This then should be added with the salad.
5.       It is now time to chop the mint and dill and add the same to the bowl of salad
6.       Squeeze the bowl with the olive oil
7.       Now it is time to toss the salad by adding oregano, feta cheese, vinegar, salt and a little sugar
8.       To give it a different flavour, one can add a couple of ice cubes into it.
9.       Seasoning can be done with chopped herbs and lettuce

Frequency of intake
This salad can be taken twice to thrice in a week by a healthy person.  For a patient or someone recovering from major heart diseases or has a history of high blood pressure and cholesterol, it is strictly advisable not to consume this salad. 

Health benefits
This salad contains Vitamin A and C which has very vital components known as the phytonutrients. This is known to reduce the risk of heart diseases and cancer. Tomato is known to have antioxidants that are very useful for the skin. Apart from these, salads are always great if you have been working out and looking to shed the extra weight.

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