Wednesday, June 15, 2016



The Mai Tai, one of the most iconic tropical cocktails in the Pacific, owes its name to the Tahitian word Maita'i, which means ‘good’. And the very name pretty much sums up this favorite drink of Hawaii that carries the goodness of tropical flavors and freshness. This alcoholic cocktail made using dark rum, white rum, lime juice, and CuraƧao triple sec offers you a glimpse into the refreshing taste of the Pacific islands and instantly transports you to the magical Tiki-themed clubs of the 1960s.

History: A man, a drink, and a dispute   
The story behind the origins of this classic cocktail is shrouded in dispute and quite a bit of drama regarding who the original inventor is. Some say it was first invented by Victor Jules Bergeron, the legendary restaurateur, the founder of Trader Vic chain of restaurants and one of the founding fathers of Tiki culture. The Trader Vic version of the story behind the Mai Tai goes thus:
One afternoon in 1944, Bergeron created a drink to serve a few of his friends who visited him from Tahiti. One of these friends named Carrie Guild was quite impressed by the drink and he showered his appreciation Tahitian language, crying out "Maita'i roa ae!” which literally means “very good”.  The Tahitian phrase uttered by Guild was shortened into Maita'i’, which in turn became Mai Tai in the years to come. History also has it that Bergeron created a version of his original Mai Tai for the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. This version, which has pineapple juice added to it, is continued to be served at the hotel till day. 

However, Bergeron couldn’t have the credit all for himself. Some people claim that Bergeron’s rival and contemporary restaurateur Don the Beachcomber invented this cocktail in 1933, more than a decade before Bergeron came up with his recipe. Either way, the Mai Thai rose in popularity in the 1950s and 60s and was served in many Tiki-themed Polynesian bars and restaurants in the United States and across the world. Over the years, it has become almost synonymous with Tiki culture. Those who watched Blue Hawaii, a musical romantic comedy starring Elvis Presley, would have noticed the unmistakable featuring of this classic cocktail on the screen.

Health benefits of the Mai Tai
Mai Tai has no known health benefits apart from its refreshing properties and the nutritional properties of fruit juices used in its preparation. It goes without saying that like any other alcoholic cocktail, it too should be consumed in moderation.

Ingredients and preparation
The original Mai Tai recipe has undergone several changes and been tweaked by many ever since its invention. The good news is that this drink leaves plenty of room for customization, so you can either go for the classic version containing lime juice or make a very fruity version by adding pineapple juice, orange juice, etc. in it.
  • ·         Preparation Time: 5 minutes
  • ·         Making Time: 5 min
  • ·         Serves: 1 person
  • ·         Level of mixing: Easy
  • ·         Base spirit: Rum
  • ·         Preparation: Shaken
  • ·         Cocktail type: Tropical, Tiki

  • ·         White rum - 2 tbsps.
  • ·         Dark rum - 2 tbsps.
  • ·         Triple sec - 2 tbsps.
  • ·         Grenadine – 1 tbsp.
  • ·         Orgeat or almond syrup – I tbsp.
  • ·         Lime juice – half a lime
  • ·         Maraschino cherry / mint (for garnish)
  • ·         Ice

  • ·         Shake all the ingredients in a cocktail shaker
  • ·         Put some ice cubes in a glass
  • ·         Pour the liquid over the ice
  • ·         Garnish with the cherry or mint

Nutrition Info

Each serving contains:
  • ·         Calories: 284
  • ·         Carbohydrate: 19.6  g
  • ·         Protein: 0.1 g
  • ·         Fibre: 0.2 g
  • ·         Sugars: 16.6 g

Being a tropical drink, the Mai Tai cocktail is ideal for hot summers. There might be disputes regarding who created this classic, delicious drink. But it is clearly beyond any dispute that the Mai Tai cocktail is a refreshingly delicious blend of tropical flavors. Try it at the comfort of your home and bring a whiff of Hawaii into your living room.

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